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Paper Topics For 19Th Century British Literature
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Robotics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Apply autonomy - Essay Example Utilization of apply autonomy spares time to numerous individuals in the economy. This is a result of their quick speed in performing undertakings. A normal man isn't probably going to grasp tedious procedures and will search for intends to keep away from this. Taking a case of banking administrations, a great many people don't care for going to line to pull back cash over the counter. The development of programmed teller machines (ATMs) has subsequently, stepped in to fathom this and I am certain numerous individuals like it. Today individuals can pull back cash utilizing ATM cards whenever anyplace they need. Considering the way that we can't get free robots in the economy, it is essential that the general public concoct approaches to control the progress to the economy of robots. All things considered by Henderson, H. (2006), there is requirement for a most extreme financial dependability to check any potential monetary downturn following the removal of laborers by robots. It will be ideal if there is certainty of shoppers in the economy to maintain a strategic distance from individuals keeping their cash in dread of spending it when they are rendered jobless. Making of a decent pool of trend-setters empowers the general public to deal with the progress to automated economy. This works up new business, and item advancements, developments among others. This at that point guarantees that free enterprise in the economy is at is most grounded point. Subsequently, change to mechanical economy won't present difficulties to the general public at any level. Plainly mechanical economy will accompany numerous changes. It is best then the general public can deal with the negative changes that are probably going to accompany the mechanical economy. The general public needs to guarantee that individuals who work in the low-paying area of the economy get their wages raised to a moderately more elevated level. All things considered, those rendered jobless by robots and choose to take up low-paying occupations can keep up a moderately better way of life (Henderson, 2006). This likewise can be supported by the way that automated economy is savvy.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Population Growth and the Arising Environmental Issues Essay
Populace is controlled by the relationship of two components. One being birth rate and the other is passing rate. On the off chance that the quantity of passings is not exactly the quantity of births, at that point the populace is becoming bigger. In John Laffin’s tale The Hunger to Come information is available indicating that the populace will proceed to develop and not stop; â€Å"About 2050 the populace will be 15. 000 million, after a century 82. 000 million and by 2350 a terrifying 440. 000 million will be reached†(Engelman, 47). Like every single living being, people develop and replicate; in any case, contrasted with the pace of which food is developed and provided, the birth rate ascends at an a lot quicker rate. This thought about pace of development is known as the Malthusian relationship. The Malthusian relationship infers that human populace will in the long run develop to be too large, to where there won't be sufficient food flexibly and other imperative assets. At the point when this occurs, starvation as well as death will happen, except if an arrangement is instituted in regards to how to constrain populace development. One primary issue which brings about the Malthusian relationship would be uncontrolled richness. Since the passing rate is diminishing because of clinical progressions it permits more births to occur. People without uncertainty will make an infant quicker than the provisions expected to help them. This outcomes in birthrate being dropped down to zero populace development. This can occur from various perspectives, giving ladies contraception (conception prevention), fetus removal focuses and by making laws to keep couples from having all the more then two youngsters. Training on family arranging and contraception is an essential factor in controlling populace development. A typical issue that individuals believe is related with overpopulation is having no place to put everybody, except there are additionally numerous other natural issues that it causes. More people will utilize more vehicles, consuming more fuel, eating more food and drinking more water. This causes more air contamination, more grounds are demolished and more water and food to vanish. Along these lines, populace control is essential on a worldwide level so as to secure our condition. Populace development is demolishing the earth’s seas and water sources. This causes an abatement in earth’s water gracefully for what's to come. Because of the way that water is indispensable to endure, the water sources being contaminated won't do people well. Other than water contamination, populace development additionally dirties the air, which causes the nursery impact and decrease of the ozone layer. The nursery impact is when gases develop around the earth’s external air which truly transforms the earth into a nursery. This means the warmth permitted into the earth’s air is caught inside and not so anyone might hear pull out of the earth’s air. This outcomes in an expansion of the earth’s temperature, consequently it causes catastrophic events, for example, tropical storms and because of the expanded warmth, crops don't develop appropriately. With the nursery impact comes the vanishing ozone layer. The primary reason for the ozone layer is to direct the measure of UV light coming down to the earth’s surface from the sun. The synthetic chlorofluorocarbon which is found in cooling frameworks, when noticeable all around separates the ozone layer. This identifies with populace development on account of what number of families are being delivered regular which brings about more networks being manufactured which implies more houses. Subsequently, this implies more cooling units will be being used, which brings about the synthetic chlorofluorocarbon being let out into the air and separating the ozone layer. With the ozone layer being separated, more UV light enters the earth’s air and makes people gain skin illnesses, for example, skin disease. Thusly, if populace development is controlled and there is less individuals, less cooling will be utilized, an unnatural weather change and the breaking ozone layer could be forestalled. Fundamental driver of air contamination are the utilization of vehicles and mechanical plants, both which let free unsafe exhaust into the air. Corrosive downpour is an aftereffect of air contamination, it happens when such a large number of poisons are discharged into the air. It is made by non-renewable energy sources being scorched at that point discharged into the air as a gas which at that point responds with daylight, oxygen and dampness. Corrosive downpour when encouraged contaminates water and harms numerous materials and assets. Another defeat to vehicles with populace development is the reality of vehicles having cooling. This is on the grounds that more chlorofluorocarbon will be allowed into the air from the car’s cooling. With the populace expanding, it is making air contamination which is hurtful to all living being on the grounds that they need clean air, one of the most significant necessities of life, to relax. Populace development additionally compromises the earth’s cultivating assets. For instance the desertification of land, this happens when rich land is transformed into barren land. This can occur from overgrazing of cows, or the topsoil being diverted (disintegration). On the off chance that an excessive amount of water is utilized, it can cause desertification which is for the most part brought about by a developing populace. The more individuals need food, the more land is being utilized in the incorrect manner to attempt to make food. Another way populace development influences our outside is deforestation. Woodlands are chopped down for the interest of kindling, horticultural space, paper items and more space to live. Be that as it may, timberlands are required for more than human needs, for example, to control the measure of carbon dioxide let out into the climate. Leave it alone realized that populace control won't end all the issues, however it would permit more opportunity for them to be fixed and estrange condition issues. The earth’s condition isn't unending and can reach a conclusion if populace control was not begun. Moves must be made presently to address the ebb and flow circumstances with the world including populace development, these activities are the expansion of deforestation and desertification, the lessening of farmland, more water contamination, the decaying ozone layer and the nursery impact. It is clear that it is extremely unlikely our populace can continue developing at the rate it does now without adversely affecting our condition.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Asian American, Gifted Example
Asian American, Gifted Example Asian American, Gifted â€" Article Example > Asian American, GiftedIntroductionGifted children are endowed with abilities that are not normally found in children of their age group. Some of these abilities come as a special development of faculties far in advance of their ages. In certain cases gifted children also tend to suffer from Autism, or Dyslexia and other form of imbalance. They may thus have special skills in one area which is overshadowed by lack of development in another. Gifted children have special requirements in education, training and care. In the case of Asians who are now American citizens, the needs of the gifted children are complex as compared to the needs of native born American children. The issue is complex because Asian culture, language and communication are vastly different and even though the family is oriented well enough to adjust to the US environment, normal interactions in the case of gifted children from these countries differ. The method of identifying such children have to be revised and a unique method of assessing their potential closely linked to the culture and way of responding has to be evolved. Many factors, such as language, specific religious faith, cultural taboos and parental confusion will add to the problem of first identifying gifted children and then tailoring a program to suit them. The second objective would be to evolve a system that coaches and trains parents to help the children cope with the demands of the child and the education proposed to be given. This is a situation which requires multiple entity participation like the parents, the teachers and education experts who will eventually deal with the child, and the environment creators and facilitators who will support the programs intended for the children. While Native American children can cope with the available system, as they are born into it or otherwise accustomed to the information delivery system, their parents and educators are comfortable with dealing with them. In their case it is just advancing the child through a series of steps before time, like promoting to the next grade, skipping two semesters etc. In the case of Asian children, this can have negative ramifications because skipping a semester and advancing the child to another set of classes which he is suited for has an uprooting feeling. Feelings and EmotionsOne important thing to remember is that gifted children also have simple needs that have to be met just like other children of their age. Except for the fact that they are able to assimilate and transform information faster the biological social and psychological needs of these children are the same as those of their contemporaries not endowed with special skills. This is often overlooked. In the case of Asian children the needs vary largely from other communities. Asian children follow a typical lifestyle inherited from the community in their original homeland. Some requirements of their culture and psychological factors learned or given to th em by the system they inherit from their parents may be at tangent to the prevalent atmosphere they find themselves in, especially if they are treated as ‘special’.
Monday, May 25, 2020
The American Dream in Lorraine Hansberrys A Raisin in...
Centuries ago, Americans were fighting for their freedom from Britain. Then, the American dream was to have freedom. To American then, being free and having their own individual country was enough. Up until a few decades ago, African Americans were fighting to have equal rights. They thought this was all they needed and they would be truly happy. Somewhere over the course of time; happiness had a new meaning for all Americans. Now material possessions are what it takes to be happy. The American dream is to be rich. A Raisin in the Sun, written by Lorraine Hansberry, and Death of a Salesman, written by Arthur Miller, both address the American Dream. Both plays discuss the desire for wealth and how the desire may lead to one’s†¦show more content†¦Halfway through the play, Walter tries to explain that he wants more out of his life, and Lena says that he has all he needs- a wife, a family, and a job. Walter then gets even angrier and says â€Å"Mama, a job? I open and close doors all day long. I drive a man around in his limousine and I say ‘Yes sir’; ‘No sir†; ‘Very good sir’; ‘Shall I take the drive sir?’ Mama that aint no kind of job†(Miller, pg 107). Walter’s dream to be rich drives him to the brink of insanity. Finally, Lena decides that she will give him the money to invest in a liquor store. She keeps part of the money to invest in a house, and gives him the rest of it. She tells him to put three thousand doll ars in an account for Bonita’s tuition, and the rest is his to invest in the liquor store. Instead of putting any money in an account for Beneatha, Walter gives it all to one of his partners to invest in the store. He is told he will get enough of it back in a few days, so he can put the money in the account. As it turns out, his partner ends up leaving town with the money, and never coming back. Walter lost the bulk of the check. His dream to have money, to be somebody, to be rich; leads to his downfall. Instead, he ends up losing the money that could have helped the family as a whole. Not only did he set himself back, but he also set Beneatha back. Not only did he ruin his dream, but he also ruined hisShow MoreRelatedThe Strength of Family in Death of a Salesman and A Raisin in the Sun1198 Words  | 5 PagesThe American Dream is a vision of economic opportunity available to all those who work for it, regardless of race or class. However, as seen in Arthur Miller’ s â€Å"Death of a Salesman†and Lorraine Hansberry’s â€Å"A Raisin in the Sun†, perverted conceptions of the American Dream convince certain characters that they are entitled to the fruits of miracles. 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In Lorraine Hansberrys, A Raisin in the Sun, she examines an Afri can-American familys struggle to break outRead MoreCompare/Contrast Willy Loman (Death of a Salesman) and Walter Lee Younger (a Raisin in the Sun)2823 Words  | 12 Pagesâ€Å"May I never wake up from the American dream.†Carrie Latet describes the most sought after dream: the dream of a house surrounded by a white picket fence, the dream people work their entire lives for, the dream people fight wars for: the American dream. However, America’s rise to industrialism in the 19th and 20th centuries replaced this dream with the desire to get rich fast. This change led people to believe that it is possible, common even, to obtain wealth rapidly; yet this is not the case.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
University s Master Of Social Work Program - 1252 Words
On August 8, 2014, I relocated to Fayetteville, North Carolina from Bahama, North Carolina to attend Fayetteville State University’s Master of Social Work Program. Fayetteville, North Carolina’s significant military population and the academic program offered many opportunities to students interested in researching and practicing with military personnel and their families initially generating an interest for me in the program. Within the first twenty-fours of living in Fayetteville, North Carolina, I had the opportunity to experience the military culture and the pride that residents exhibited for military personnel. I observed military personnel in uniforms, multiple car magnets that stated, â€Å"we support our troops†, military discount signs†¦show more content†¦I have enrolled to complete five courses during the summer, and upon completion, I will have completed the Substance Abuse Certificate Program at Fayetteville State University. In addition, I am a member of the National Association of Social Workers and I have enrolled in several online social work military courses. My volunteer experience includes Urban Ministries and a field placement within Myrover-Reese Fellowship Homes, Inc. I assisted with direct care relations as a community cafà © volunteer within Durham, North Carolina’s Urban Ministries facility from August 2005 until May 2009. Serving breakfast and lunch to residents, that lived within the facility, and other individuals that were in need of food. In addition, I worked alongside the Hope-Believe Recovery program residents who were in a six-month substance abuse rehabilitation program for female and male adults that were homeless. Myrover-Reese Fellowship Homes, Inc. field placement allotted me the ability to gain a significant amount of experience in working with the military, substance abuse, and mental health populations. Myrover-Reese Fellowship Homes, Inc. allowed me the capability to complete assessments, screen applicants, facilitate group sessions, have one-on-one interactions, become skilled and knowledgeable when utilizing Motivational Interviewing (MI) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and attend VAMC trainings on topics such asShow MoreRelatedMaster Of Science Degree Programs1502 Words  | 7 PagesMaster of Science Degree Programs This entry gives a general overview of online Master of Science programs, then specifically examines programs in high demand and those offered in accelerated formats. Next, the entry focuses on information students need to succeed in M.S. programs: how to find the right program, and a major problem that they will likely face during online matriculation. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Harmful Effects Of Student Loan Debt And Attainable...
First Name and Last Name Professor Class Date The Harmful Effects of Student Loan Debt and Attainable Resolutions Largely because of the $1.3 trillion worth of outstanding student loan debt in the United States, most young adult college graduates are in stressful, limiting, and precarious situations as they attempt to launch their lives into adulthood. Indeed, some have dubbed the Millennial generation the â€Å"boomerang generation†because after college so many graduates are moving back in with their parents rather than getting their own homes and beginning their own independent paths (Austin 329). Some studies show that as many as one half of college graduates are either unemployed or underemployed, the latter meaning either part time work†¦show more content†¦The combination of inadequately paying work together with great outstanding loans limits college graduates from participating fully in society as adults. For instance, indicators of adulthood and full participation include a stable career, a long term re lationship, family, a home, retirement savings, and owning material necessities such as a vehicle. When we take into account all of the burdens that tens of thousands of dollars of student loans, it is apparent that this debt impacts just about every aspect of life for graduates. One study by American Student Assistant (ASA) found that around a quarter of student loan debtors have difficulty buying daily necessities because of student loans, while over half indicated that their debt disallows them to make larger purchases like a car, and three quarters of respondents said that they were putting off savings for retirement because of their loans (Life Delayed†¦ 3). Further, almost half reported that student debt has delayed their decision to start a family (Life Delayed†¦3). From the normal day to day to the largest and most important aspects of life such as starting a family, student loan debt is oppressively bearing down on graduates. Another major way that student loan de bt affects graduates is how it influences what kind of jobs they will take. With debt looming overhead, graduates often do not have time to seek out a job that is
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Neoliberalism in Latin America free essay sample
From the 1930s until the 1980s state intervention and protection were key components of most Latin American economies. In these years many Latin American countries were used an Import-substitution industrialization based economy trying to reduce dependence on foreign imports and replacing them with domestic production. Due to the use of an Import-substitution industrialization based economy Latin American countries were forced to keep high tariffs to protect the private companies of their countries. This combined with many Latin America countries providing numerous government subsidized programs eventually led to the 1982 debt crisis. This debt crisis created a vacuum affect in Latin America with many of the countries taking on a new neoliberal economic model, and by the early 1990s John Charles Chasteen claims that almost every Latin American country was led by a president that was pro neoliberalism. This neoliberal economic model called for the slashing of tariffs as well as the reduction of removal of all nationalist-inspired subsides. Also following the neoliberal model, Latin American countries stopped the printing of money to slow inflation effectively undermining the functionality of their local markets. All of this was done so that a completely â€Å"free market†could be created. It was believed that this free market would not only help improve the economies of Latin American countries, but also create more personal freedoms for the people of Latin America. In the article â€Å"Neoliberalism, Neoclassicism and Economic Welfare†, John T. Harvey claims the complete opposite, arguing although a neoliberal economic model was created to produce conditions conducive to social provisioning or democratic problem solving, the exact opposite has occurred. Harvery states in his article, â€Å"Instead of growth, stability, and the narrowing of income gaps, we have seen stagnation, volatility, and increased inequality. †By researching neoliberalism a clear picture can be drawn. Neoliberalism created class stratification with the upper and middle class greatly benefiting from the new policies sanctioned by neoliberalism, while the poor continued to become more impoverished and unable to provide for themselves. Many historians argue that the neoliberal economic model was most beneficial for the small wealthy upper-class of Latin America as well as many upper-class business owners from other countries. The existence of a â€Å"free market†due to neoliberalism in Latin America created many opportunities for upper-class citizens to continue to become considerably wealthier. The upper-class benefit from neoliberalism in many ways but the two largest benefits come from the privatization of government subsidized programs and the lowering of tariffs. Not only did both of these policies line the pockets of the upper-class of Latin America but foreign investors as well. In order to balance their federal budget many Latin American governments privatized their government subsidized programs as well as cut federal jobs. First, the privatization of federal jobs allowed many upper-class citizens to take over these businesses and use them in their benefit to create capital. Former government projects such as constructing roads and government buildings were now being completed by companies that were owned by the upper-class. Prior to neoliberalism these jobs were paid out of the federal budget and were used as a way to lower unemployment by hiring more workers than were really needed. Now that private companies were doing the work efficiency was the most important thing leading to the loss of many jobs for the poor class of Latin America. In the article, â€Å"Neo-Liberalism in Latin America: Limits and Alternatives†Ian Roxborough argues that the immediate beneficiaries of the privatization of government subsidized programs and federal jobs, or what he calls real assets, were foreign investors and people with â€Å"flight cash†. This was because when these programs became privatized upper-class people from other countries as well as Latin America were able to come in and by penny cheap shares of these programs and soon to be private companies. This excrementally helped the upper-class because after they bought this stock at largely discounted prices it quickly grew in value. Clearly, lower classes that did not have extra cash could not benefit from this because they were unable to purchase any of the shares of these newly privatized commodities. This created two problems, not only did real assets of Latin America get lost to upper-class foreign investors, it also created a significantly larger wealth gap between the poor and upper-class because of the large amounts of money the upper-class made from the gains of the stock that they bought at such cheap prices. Another benefit the upper-class of Latin America and other foreign countries gained from neoliberalism was the reduction of tariffs. The reduction of Tariffs allowed foreign companies to come into Latin America and build maquiladoras. This was beneficial for the foreign investors because they could now come into Latin America where working wages were much cheaper and produce their goods at lower prices, which entail created more profit. Lower tariffs were beneficial for Latin American upper-class citizens because as the foreign companies came into Latin America they were able to invest in these companies. The ability to invest in these companies that wouldn’t have come to Latin America with the previous tariffs was just one more way people who already had money in Latin America were able to benefit even more from a neoliberal economic model. Neoliberalism also benefitted the middle class of Latin America. Chasteen argues the middle class benefited from a neoliberal economic model because of the cheap products that were produced due to the maquiladoras in Latin America as well as cheap products that were being imported to Latin America because of the newly reduced tariffs. This was very beneficial for the middle class for two reasons. First, under neoliberalism the middle class society who had money to spend, now had more choices because the large influx of items that were now being imported into Latin America. In his article, â€Å"Magical Neoliberalism†, Alberto Fuguet argues that neoliberalism was what led to amenities like large scale movies from Hollywood and other services, like fast food chains, to come to Latin America. Secondly, neoliberalism was beneficial to the middle class because with a larger selection of goods comes competition. With competition companies foreign and local now had to produce the best quality goods at the lowest price in order to continue to receive business from the middle class. Neoliberalism also benefited the middle class of Latin America because of the advancement in technology that occurred because of the privatization of water resource centers, electrical companies, and telecommunication companies. The privatization of these companies allowed them to modernize as well as make them more reliable. Some argue that neoliberalism was also beneficial for the women of Latin America. In her article â€Å"Love in the Time of Neo-Liberalism: Gender, Work, and Power in a Costa Rican Marriage†, Susan E. Mannon argues neoliberalism allowed women to gain more power and independence then they previously had. Mannon claims that neoliberalism, and the reduced tariffs that come with it, led to the creation of maquiladoras where women could seek employment. Latin American women’s new ability to gain employment in maquiladoras allowed them to earn a wage creating dual-income households. Not only did this give them more power and independence in their individual households, but the ability to buy goods also allowed them to participate in the local economy giving them more power as well. Those who stood to gain the least under a neoliberal economic model were the poor people of Latin America. This is because the privatization of state-run corporations and public service programs made them unaffordable for the poor working class, leaving many homeless and hungry. In the article, â€Å"From Democracy to Development: The Political Economy of Post-Neoliberal Reform in Latin America†, Alfred P. Montero states claims that neoliberalism leads to deepening levels of inequality, a growing percentage of people living below the poverty line, decaying infrastructure, poor access to even low-quality primary education, rising criminality, and inefficient productivity. All of these problems can be linked to privatization of government subsidized programs and the loss of government jobs. With neoliberalism the loss of jobs and government programs made unemployment skyrocket and education too expensive for much of the poor class of Latin America to afford. This lack of education is what many argue led to the problems that Montero claims such as a rise in criminal activity. Also, because neoliberalism privatizes companies that control commodities such as water, telecommunications, and electricity the poor class was unable to afford them, essentially leaving the poor of Latin America in the dark without water or electricity. Neoliberalism also led to the creation of Maquiladora’s which initially created what poor Latin American believed to be desirable jobs. Quickly the poor found out that many of these jobs did not pay a wage that was enough for a person to survive. With the poor pay of maquiladoras also came very poor working conditions that were conducive to creating injury. Omar Gil a former maquiladora worker stated in an interview that his first maquiladora job paid him a dismal forty dollars a week in working conditions that were less than safe. Omar attested that maquiladora workers were injured often because of the intense pressure of Forman’s to produce as much product as possible. Also with neoliberalism came the lack of available occupations. Due to the reduction of tariffs foreign companies were able to bring mass produced goods into Latin American countries at prices cheaper than local inhabitants were able to produce them. This created large scale unemployment and forced Latin American people into the unsafe and low paying maquiladoras. Chasteen argues that for the poor class the inability to produce goods far outweighed the benefits of being able to be a small-time consumer from the dismal wages that were earned in maquiladoras. It is clear that the neoliberal economic model is not beneficial for anyone but the wealthy elites and middle class of Latin American Countries. A neoliberal economic model became fashionably popular in Latin America because the people who were in charge were upper-class citizens and during a down turn in 1982 neoliberalism seemed like a solution due to its approach to better balance the budget of Latin American countries. Unfortunately, either the leadership of these countries assumed wrong, or just didn’t care about the wellbeing of its impoverished people, but clearly a neoliberal economic model does nothing but create a larger wealth gap, create more social stratification, and deplete living conditions for the poor even more. In the article, â€Å"Exploring the Impact of Neoliberal Economic Development on Poverty in Costa Rica: What Went Wrong? †, Paul B Lubliner argues that in order for economic prosperity to complement poverty reduction the state should have more control over the economy not less. I agree and argue by privatizing all state subsidized programs as well as depleting the amount of government jobs to almost zero Latin American countries actually went backwards in their pursuit to shorten the wealth gap as well as social stratification. Abusing your population to closer balance budget is in no way the solution to guarantee countries prosperity in the foreseeable future. Neoliberalism was clearly one sided only benefiting the rich and middle class, disfranchising each countries poor setting them back further then they were before.
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